Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, September 22, 2008

not enough time

There's not enough time to think about all the things I used to think about. I don't have time to worry, or obsess, or go over things over and over again that are out of my control. I don't have time for "what-ifs." How do I know this? Because I spend 1/2 hour every morning and 1/2 hour every evening praying, meditating, and doing healing work, and when those other thoughts crowd in, I don't have enough time to do what I REALLY want to do - help myself and help others. When I pray, I first visualize myself held lovingly in my hands, then I go through each of my family members, taking the time to see them clearly, then pray for their health and well-being. I send them all love. Then I move on to each of my best friends, then all of my friends, then clients, students, neighbors, politicians, and anyone else I can think of. Then I move on to my meditation, which is 20 minutes. I love that quiet time. Then I move on to my healing work, and make sure to take the time to sit with each of the people or animals I'm sending healing love and energy to.

But sometimes I start thinking about what I have to do for the day, or what I should do, or planning Christmas, or Christmas presents, or where I can find the perfect black pumps (it's true - I have goals). Fade away. No - I gently tell myself and pull myself front and center again, to the present moment, but it's hard, and I wonder when I got to be this way, or if I've always been this way. I suspect I've always been this way, and that's okay - recognizing the situation is the first step to recovery, right? So I'm planning my 4th annual Prayer and Meditation Day. I'm going to sit for 6 hours and stretch out my work so I can include everybody and everything. If you've got any prayer or healing requests, please e-mail me at seeker818@aol.com and I'll put you on my list. During that prayer and healing time, if I receive any images or information for you, I'll write it down and e-mail you back. I'm planning this to take place in the next two weeks or so, depending on my schedule. If you want to join me in spirit, please do so - it is my thought that if just one of us joins in prayer, it's powerful, but the more that come together for the good of all, miracles can occur. Just think - all of that great energy going out to the world to help it right now, when we need it the most! I'm excited - I'll let you know when it is.

There's just not enough time for that other, lower stuff. It's not good or bad - I'm just realizing I don't have enough hours in the day to keep my neuroses going (that's judgmental - I don't mean 'neuroses' - I really mean those things that just don't serve me anymore). Is it a process? Sure, slow and steady wins the race, and as I always say "forward movement is good." Where did I get that from? When 4 of us girls were golfing, and were REALLY bad (but we looked darned cute in our outfits). Sometimes the ball would just dribble a few inches from where we'd hit it. But that's okay, because why? "FORWARD MOVEMENT IS GOOD." It doesn't matter if it's a few inches or 250 yards - we're moving forward, one inch at a time sometimes, but onward and upward, always for the good. Not enough time for complaining that we're not good enough, not doing enough, not accomplishing things? In my mind there's not enough for those thoughts. That's what I'm thinking today.

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