Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Friday, July 13, 2007

56 Ascension Energy "Symptoms"

With the ascension process shifts cycling through so fast, they can create some anxiety and tension in our lives. I've been asked countless times about various "symptoms," so I've assembled some of them here. As always, I encourage people to go get checked out by a licensed practitioner if you have concerns. I've gone several times, spent thousands of dollars, and come back 100% healthy 100% of the time. But at least I got peace of mind each time to continue bravely forward. If you get the all-clear from your health practitioner, then you might want to check your attitude toward your body and this process. Are you trusting your body to do what it needs to do to get through this time of adjustment? Are you living a "clean" lifestyle? That is, a lifestyle in which you get enough rest, strive for minimal stress, lighten your responsibilities, eat well, exercise, have some fun? If not, this process will probably be more difficult for you, and you may find yourself manifesting actual physical symptoms that may need to be addressed differently than the symptoms that manifest symbolically in our bodies.

We still FEEL the symptoms in our bodies, but they won't show up on any tests or scans because they are manifesting on several different levels, most of them on higher levels than our physical bodies. That's because our physical bodies are making the leap into higher frequencies so they can hold the higher frequencies to allow us to experience 100% soul consciousness in our physical bodies, which is the goal of this ascension process. It's never been done before in the history of humankind, although several beings have been able to come in like that (does Jesus come to mind?). Now it's here for all of us - it's time. We've been living with so many illusions and restrictions for so many generations. So ... here are some of the symptoms. Happy enlightenment...

1. headache in band around head
2. heat felt on top of head
3. bumps all over head
4. bumps behind your ears
5. TMJ symptoms
6. fullness in ears
7. sore neck (in the C2-C3 area)
8. sore shoulders across back
9. sore muscles leading up into neck
10. painful behind left shoulder blade
11. sore on left side to side of breast
12. sore on both armpits
13. sternum pressure (like someone’s pushing down on it)
14. joint pain
15. wrist soreness
16. wrists get hot, then veins on top and bottom of hand stick out, along with on top of feet
17. hips sore and feel uneven
18. sore knees
19. cracking ankles
20. sore on tops of feet
21. sore on balls of feet, like there’s a bump there
22. throat closing up
23. needing to clear your throat continuously
24. blurry vision
25. dizziness
26. anxiety
27. insomnia
28. vivid dreams
29. increased intuition
30. increased synchronicities
31. increased feelings of bliss and unity
32. traveling electrical tingling
33. swollen face
34. swollen hands
35. swollen feet
36. cold hands
37. cold feet
38. cold hands AND feet at the same time, or alternating between all 4
39. nausea
40. constipation
41. diarrhea
42. lower back pain
43. kidneys aching
44. liver hurts
45. body stiff all over
46. foggy thinking
47. chills
48. hot flashes (an energy symptom unless you’re also menopausal)
49. loss of appetite
50. increased appetite
51. prescription meds stop working or even make you feel ill
52. food sensitivities and allergies develop
53. restlessness, agitation, unexplained anger
54. fatigue
55. heart palpitations/irregular/racing (check hormone levels if concerned, or visit a cardiologist)
56. hard to breathe – lungs feel “hot”

I started with 50 around 6 months ago as people were asking for a list. At that time I had experienced 49 of the 50. Now the list is extended to 56, and to date I've felt 55 of the 56 (I've never had a swollen face). What does that mean? I think it means that this is a powerful process, and one that goes beyond what we are used to. It calls for a HUGE amount of trust (trust me - I've had my share of freak-outs over these symptoms) that all is well. One way you can tell is that the symptoms never stay in one place for very long. They travel. You can have the headache for two days, then your hips are sore, then your stomach hurts. It's not just one symptom that stays for a long time, so that you think there really COULD be something wrong. If it keeps changing and shifting, how can it be "real?" But again - I always encourage people to go get checked out if they're scared. Several people have had kidney and liver scans, because those are scary symptoms. To date, none of the people have had anything "wrong," and most of them would've sworn they had kidney stones or liver problems.

If you have any more symptoms, please e-mail me and let me know. What fun this is - we just made it through this last intense shift, and theoretically are in a really good place of awareness and unity right now. I'm feeling it with deep sleep, unexplained happiness and peace, a feeling of deep release, a connection with everything, a deeper level of understanding of what's going on. Exciting, exhilarating, and exhausting.

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