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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

6:11AM this morning

I didn't set my alarm, just my internal one. I opened my eyes for the last time at 6:11 and started taking deep breaths. I opened myself up and imagined that a beautiful gold light was flowing through me from above and down deep into the earth, for her healing. It wasn't a new feeling, but I forget from time to time that I can do this anytime I want. As I kept breathing and remaining consciously open, I must've fallen back asleep. Okay, it would've helped if I had actually SAT UP in bed, but you know, I can meditate on my side. But I don't know if I WAS asleep, because all of a sudden I was under some kind of branches with a lot of beautiful green leaves. I was wearing like a headdress that expanded far above me, then the branches of it swept down and all around me, like I was standing under a willow tree. I was kissing my beloved (hubby Steve) and we were so happy. The energy that flowed between us was undescribable, but I liked it, so we kept kissing.

Then I "woke up" and felt as if my whole body had melted and I was just floating there in bed. I saw flowers everywhere - all different colors and sizes and aromas. I wanted to stay there. I smiled. Then I must've fallen asleep again, but this time I was underneath the ground, but it wasn't scary. I was deep in the earth, and could smell that dirt smell like when you dig your hands into the moist soil. Even as I breathe right now I can smell it again. I "swam" around in the earth, not limited, not actually IN a physical body, but enjoying everything I was seeing. It wasn't actually "things" I was seeing, but more of the energies of the history of the earth, the energies of the events that had happened at each level of the earth's crust and layers. Again, hard to describe. I "woke up" spitting earth out of my mouth. Okay, that's a little strange, but again, when I was there it all felt really cool. I've had similar feelings when I've done shamanic work on my own and with Jeanne Troge. It's an EARTH energy that I was experiencing, and it's usually new to me because I'm usually hanging out with super amounts of spiritual energy. But we need ALL of the different energies, in balance, in our bodies, I think, so maybe this experience showed me that it's really important for me to keep creating the opportunities to inhabit the physical world 100%.

So I wonder how many people participated in the 6:11AM healing for the Earth. I wonder if she felt it, the love pouring down to her, in thanks for all she does for us. She allows us to BE here, and I really think in my heart that the consciousness of the world is turning around to be more compassionate, respectful and loving toward the Earth. I sure felt a powerful punch this morning.

P.S. I asked for our lit candle to be blown out before 10:40PM last night, while I was still awake. It was hard to keep my eyes open, but I did, but the candle stayed lit. Why did I forget to blow it out at that point? I have no idea, but upon awakening, there wasn't even an indent in the middle to show that it had even been lit. The mystery continues ...

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