Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Saturday, July 14, 2007

What I Think About 7.17.07

It's being called "Fire the Grid," and although I read a bit about it, I didn't read it all. From what I know, a woman and her son were under water a really long time, and presumed drowned. Beings of light saved them, and her son was on life support. The beings told her to tell everyone to come in and minister to him in any way possible - singing, chanting, praying, anything. He recovered. The beings told her, in essence, that if it's possible to save their lives, think of what else is possible, and set the date for global healing for this coming Tuesday, 7.17.07. Please forgive me if I've gotten the specific information wrong, but that's the gist of it.

A friend asked me if I'd gotten that same information about the date of 7.17.07, and I answered that my sources said that the start of this last energy shift was the summer solstice, with the climax being 7.7.07 (last Saturday), and it would then end somewhere around 7.17.07 - usually it's a monthlong process, two weeks before, the climax, then two weeks afterward. But what I really think is this: it's not so much that there are specific days that we should be praying or meditating, or whatever. I think for the most part we assign specialness to certain days - 7.7.07 is just poetic. What I DO think is uber-cool is that this date and time to pray for world healing (6:11AM our time, I'm remembering) is sweeping the world via the internet, so chances are there will be a good number of people focusing their beautiful healing energy on the world during that time, and I KNOW that's a good deal, no matter what. So, I'll be doing my hour long meditation/healing/praying next Tuesday, to join my energies into the masses of lightworkers working toward helping all of humankind through this show of unconditional love.

What I'm feeling right now is a subtle shift in my perceptions. What usually bothers me, or would normally cause a big upset, are STILL causing momentary irritation, but then a wiser part of me comes in and whispers, "is there something else you can be doing? Is there another action you can take? Are there other words you can use right now?" It feels that if we keep doing things in the same old ways, we'll keep getting the same, old responses. So when someone said something upsetting the other night, I started laughing. Admittedly, it made this person angry, but I saw that it wasn't REALLY meant to be a fight. They were just frustrated, and I happened to be standing in front of them. Someone else lied to me, and when I took a deep breath, I realized they are coming from a place of insecurity and lack, and I felt deep compassion for them instead. I can also realize that when I am angry at someone, or lie to them, then I'm exhibiting those same feelings that I'm recognizing in those others (probably). It's all a hall of mirrors - I'll help you see, then you help me see. Back and forth. On and on. My goal is to see clearly. I know I'm not perfect, but in my realizing my imperfections, I AM perfect, which means "whole." Not being whole means I'll only focus or admit to those qualities that I think are acceptable, and that's not being whole - that's not being all of me. That's not being "self-aware," as my smart friend Chris says.

Is it my job to tell you that you're not being self-aware? Heck no. I don't think anyone CAN "tell" anyone anything. We can only live our lives and act as an inspiration if others choose to see us that way. Otherwise it's an exercise in futility. So, yes, there are some things that are bugging me, but it's interesting, as one situation just keeps dragging on, it's giving me a chance to REALLY let it go. Something new comes up, and a sweet voice keeps whispering, "just let it go. Let it go again." Gosh, I've had SO many chances to keep letting it go, it's going to be one MONSTER of a release when it finally lifts.

So onward and upward - to 7.17. and beyond, as the veils keep lifting, and the mirrors keep getting clearer. Who am I, or more importantly, how am I? That's what I'm wondering these days, and I'm discovering that I just AM. No plans. No worries. No fears. Okay, I'm still working on that last one.

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