Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, July 16, 2007

the history of the ascension - part 2

So we made it through the summer of 1987, we made it through January 1, 1990, we made it through 1990-95 and the adjustments required from those initial stages of preparation. Now comes 1995, and the time of the more frequent energy shifts. It started feeling like we were on a boat, and the ocean underneath us was getting wavier - up and down - up and down. For many, it was the time of first-ever conscious intuitive experiences, and the start of almost a fervent desire to connect with something beyond ourselves. Did you start taking a lot of workshops and classes, read a lot of books, talk to a lot of people about spirituality? How was your physical and mental health? This appeared to be the start of those changes. We start with the basic foundation at the beginning - what are the MAIN things that need to shift and adjust in our lives? When that all settled, around the summer of 1995, the next stage started - going deeper. When the energies started coming faster and more intensely, it started to affect our physical bodies. If we lived a "clean" life (what I call an overall healthy life; body, mind and spirit), that next transition was felt as relatively easy. But most of us weren't living a clean life.

I KNEW what a clean life was; I even wrote a one page paper that I handed out to clients and students. Looking back, it was perfect advice - I just didn't follow it too closely. My Guys told me in November of 2002, that if I gave up coffee and sugar, I'd have a spirit vision. I promptly DOUBLED my coffee and sugar intake. Why would I do that? Heaven only knows. What was the result? The start of some SERIOUS physical problems, in a body that had before been really healthy and strong. So, many of us had the guidance long beforehand to change unhealthy habits and help support our body into these new times, but most of us ignored it. The energies also started affecting our mental energies, as well. If the intention of the higher energies is to help integrate our inner and outer expressions, then it will show up in mental imbalances. We don't speak when we need to speak, we say things we don't mean, or not as strongly as we need to say them, we accept behavior from others that is simply unacceptable, we stay in unhealthy relationships or jobs - imbalance. But no longer - there's a push. I saw an increase in depression and anxiety in my office, I saw an increase in medicated drugs, and for a while, those helped (but more on THAT later).

People continued to leave our lives; we changed jobs, got divorces, got married, developed new health concerns, started seeing miracles. All of this from 1995-2002. It was intense, but still doable. The rest of the world seemed to go on as normal, and if we closed our eyes and imagined, we could almost assure ourselves that we may just be imagining all of these changes. If we DID talk to others about what we were noticing, most of them would just cock their heads to the side and ask, "What ARE you talking about?" and we could just laugh and say, "Nothing." But it kept getting more intense, and harder to ignore that there was something deeper and magical going on. Our dreams were becoming more vivid, and the line between waking and dreaming was becoming very blurred. Time seemed to stretch out and collapse, so that it didn't have the old hold anymore. We could start "playing" with the concepts of reality - what's possible, what's holding us back, what can we try? The world began looking "different" through our eyes - colors appeared more vivid, things felt more dimensional, deeper, somehow. We began just to KNOW things - about people, events, situations, the future, the past. We had experiences of vast expansiveness that defies human explanation. We began to feel connected, as if in a web, to others in human form AND out of human form. We began to feel our angels, our guides, our Higher Selves, God, and we felt such relief, like we were finally Home.

So, now we've walked through the ascension process from June of 1987-2002, but it still hasn't affected us THAT much. We're able to go about our days feeling almost "normal." But the time was quickly coming when we couldn't ignore the changes anymore, the years from 2002-right now, but that's for another day.

P.S. I fell asleep again with the candle lit. I just loved the smell and glow, and couldn't stand to lose it too soon. I woke up at 4:30AM (it was a good night of deep sleep), and yup - the candle was out. I noticed that it hadn't burned down too much more than when I had lit it at 10PM, so whenever it's being blown out, it must be shortly after I'm falling asleep. I might ask that I get to WATCH it being blown out next time, but that might be a little strange, but cool, to see that there IS no veil between the seen and unseen anymore...

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