Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Saturday, July 7, 2007

7.07.07 7:07AM

I hadn't gotten to bed until 12:30 last night. Kari was home, and well, there were TWO back-to-back episodes of "What Not to Wear," so ... but I kept watching the clock this morning, and at exactly 7:07AM, I started my meditation. I took some deep breaths, and opened my whole self up to all of the higher energies. Instantly I could feel it seeping into my body, like liquid gold. I've had that same feeling many times when I take a nap in the afternoons - it's almost like you're expanding out of your body, but are still in it, but you feel just unbelievably peaceful, calm, and happy. So I smiled, and kept going. Then I started with my intentions: may all those in my family have happiness, may all of my close friends have happiness, may all of my acquaintances and neighbors have happiness, may everyone in my community have happiness, may everyone in the region have happiness, may everyone in the country have happiness, may everyone in the world have happiness, may everyone in the whole Universe have happiness. I kept spiraling my love and awareness further and further out, and although "I" was still all here, there was MORE of me here, so I kept going. At some point I lost track of what I was doing, because I just felt so not-like-always. Thoughts had a harder time staying in my head (that's a good thing, believe me), and all I could do was look at this whole thing we call reality and just be amazed - it looked like a game, a movie, a toy. Certainly nothing that was as real as I'd thought it was even last night.

So I kept breathing, and opening up to my highest possibilities for my life. I asked to be led gently down my life's path, I asked for help every step of the way so I don't ever think I'm the only one in charge. Somewhere along the way I got the idea that I should only be doing this for one minute, exactly as long as the clock read 7:07. I have no idea where that thought came from, but when I finally opened my eyes, 45 minutes had gone by, and I KNOW I hadn't fallen back asleep. It's now 5:11PM, and now I'll write a live channel for this blog entry. I usually post it on my website, but this will be a quick one, and maybe I'll write a longer one later today. This has all just felt so peaceful and gentle. I'd thought it was going to be more difficult, but that just shows me that you should never have assumptions - you're sure to be proven wrong.

I have been feeling dizzy for the past two days, so I've been massaging my head. That helps a little bit, but it feels like my neck and ears are tight. But I'm happy - oh my, I'm happy, but REALLY hungry all the time. And still full of energy - I've been going for two fast 45 minute walk/runs every day. If I don't, my whole body starts to hum. So, that's it for today - happy 7/7/07 everyone. Here's the channel:

Dear ones - relax and let the river of life wash through you, around you, under you, and over you. Feel the love as it seeps into every single pore, cell, organ, vein, and inch of your being, even beyond your physical being. This is for you, it's all for you, this mystic dam that has been released so that it may flow unhindered to you. You have been separated from it from far too long - can you feel it as it carries you gently along? Can you feel it as it supports you, keeps you afloat? There are many of you who would say that you are "going down for the last time," and we think this means that you are tired of your current situation, and have given up, and we say to you, "So what do you think will happen NEXT, if you give up your current way of being?" Do you think that would be such a bad thing? For we tell you, that would be the sweetest thing you could do - release every last vestige of your old way, or your old life, and thoughts and patterns that have not been in your Highest Good, for there is no place for them anymore. ANYMORE, do you hear? You have walked through into the new, and any part of your old that was weighing you down, creating conflict, or pain, or fear, or sadness, or anger, no longer has any definitions. Try to hold your anger - you cannot hold it for very long until you start to feel your stomach tighten and cramp, and your head hurt. You see? That energy does not sit well in your physical system anymore, so it is best just to let it go on its way - it does not have a home with you. Perhaps there is a home elsewhere; just not with you.

Take the time to sit quietly and just BE. Sit with yourself and revel in your magnificence. Look out a window at the beautiful green tree and appreciate its perfect beauty. Call a friend and tell her or him how much you love them. When you are washing your hands, feel the water as it washes over you and be thankful that you can feel that beautiful feeling. You are alive. If you are reading these words, you are still alive, and that is a miracle in and of itself, as it has not been the easiest of roads to navigate lately, have you not noticed? There is no need for fear, no need to plan your next days, or your next, for you are held in perfect hands as you walk together with your Soul. This is what you have longed for all these millenium - union with All That is You. That is what has been missing, and that is what has been supplied to you, felt most especially this day as it marks a high point in the current journey. We expect your times to become more gentle, even as you continue to awaken to your True Self. As you understand more, so you become more confident and calm. Even if you don't "know" what is coming next, all remains well in your world, for you just "know". And for now, that is more than enough.

Enjoy the beauty in your world, see it through your new eyes, continue to take the time just to sit quietly, and decrease the demands in your life. Spend time with those who bring you joy, and take the time to do the things that bring you joy, for that is what this is all about. Enjoy, unfold, and be. Thank you.

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