Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Sunday, July 15, 2007

the history of the ascension - Part 1

From what I know, it all started back in 1987. That was a critical point for humankind, when we were on a course that would end badly for all of us, ala Nostradamus-like, 2012 end of the Mayan calendar and all that. But apparently there was enough light here, enough people who were becoming aware, that our path took a different route. Could it be possible to bring enlightenment TO the world? Could it be possible to start sending higher frequencies to the people in order to facilitate change in their bodies, in their lives, and in the world? Let's see. It has never been done before, or at least never successfully, so no one knew what it would look like. What apparently started happening was that several people started waking up around that time. That's personally the time that I noticed a different voice coming into my writings, when I started working with my Higher Self and my beloved Guys - the summer of 1987, the year of the Harmonic Convergence.

So the energetic pulses started, and people were affected in all sorts of different ways. In the beginning, many people ended harmful relationships and struck out on their own. Or they ended dead-end jobs and started fresh, new ones, usually unorthodox ones. Lawyers becoming gardeners, businesspeople becoming artists - call it the flip flop phenomenon. But usually deep down it was always within these people to do what they eventually did - it just took this extra energy push to really give them the strength to align with their heart's desires.

We made it through the rest of the 80's relatively unscathed, still making changes, but it was gentle - we were slowly tearing down the outer layers, and thinking about what we wanted our new lives to look like. Still not that much was required of us outside of these basic changes. January 1, 1990 heralded a HUGE energy shift, and I remember a lot of people almost going off the deep end. That's the first time I consciously remember thinking that there's something bigger going on here. At that point I was doing channeled writing and doing work for myself, but I hadn't moved out too publicly with my gifts.

The early 90's were mostly integrating these initial changes, and personally, this manifested for me in getting a divorce, starting a publishing business, and finding and marrying my sweet Steve. The tearing down of the old (the divorce), and the building of the structure of the new (my business and marriage). What were you doing in the summer of 1987? I was having my second child, and making plans to go back to work. I was writing and busy being a mommy with two kids under 19 months old. What were you doing on January 1, 1990? How about 1990-1995? What were we getting prepared for? How were we moving toward the next step? How about 1995 on? That's all in Part 2, tomorrow.

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