Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, April 28, 2008

body, mind spirit communication

What a great night last night at Total Balance. There was a GREAT crowd there - even Patti drove in from Detroit Lakes - I hadn't seen her in a long time. Karla came, and brought her sweet new boyfriend, Chris. Dora Mae and Jackie - uber cool women, and on. We turned off all the lights, got comfortable, and I started. It was nice just to release all of the worries and thoughts, and just enter into that present state that can be so illusive sometimes. Even though I coughed and sniffed a few times (is this allergies, which I NEVER get, or a cold, which I also NEVER get?), but other than that, the recording is solid. I was surprised to get "help" right at the start. Usually the message comes at the end, but in this new world, anything goes, apparently, and that was fine with me - I need all the help I can get, right?

The point of the body, mind, spirit communication is to first establish a connection with your Higher Heart Center, that beautiful, beautiful place of origin of Love and God. You do that by putting both hands on your heart, and just feeling the heat and the love. Then you move one hand down to your stomach, and form a "circuit" so you can communicate with your body. What do you need to do for your body right now, what does your body need? My body usually wants rest, or more water, or lighter food. But just ask. Now you move your heart hand up to your forehead, or just somewhere on your head, to calm your mind down, get it working WITH your greater energies. What does your mind need to do right now, how can you work WITH your greater energies in the present moment? That energy movement crosses in the heart area again, and forms a half circle up to your head. When you move both hands back to your heart, you complete the image to be an infinity symbol that forms a beautiful closed circuit of energy that enters through the top into your heart, which is the center of the symbol, then swirls down into your stomach, then back through the heart and up to your head, then around back through the heart. And on and on. As above, so below, connecting our human experiences with our heavenly perspectives, giving us our own unique answers to our own unique questions about our own unique lives. That's the best we can do right now, as books and other people probably don't have OUR answers - they have THEIR answers. To get our answers, we need to go back to our Source, our connection with God, and get our help directly. That makes sense to me.

I'll go listen to the tape again. I don't remember part of it, but that's not new - I was really relaxed, and awfully, awfully happy last night. The ultimate Happy Place - I need to remember to go there often. But at least it's recorded, but even if it wasn't, I'd still remember. All I need to do is put my hands over my heart.

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