The Neti pot is fabulous for sinus infections - try it!
Last night was my third almost sleepless night, with my nose totally blocked up. I did the Neti pot three times, but it didn't help. Well, it DID help, but I've gone through two boxes of Kleenex, so it's an uphill battle. I drank about 2 gallons of liquids, took some Osci and silver biotics, ate 3 1/2 oranges, tried to rest. It started on Friday, this runny nose. I never get sick - seriously, not in the past 2 years. Billy had it, too, Steve a little. Now Steve feels great, Bill's nose is better, but I've been hit by a Mack truck - my body aches, my voice is a pony (a little hoarse), and my head feels like it's not attached to my head, or that there's too much of a head for my body. I know it's a major detox, but seriously, my body's got until Friday to get over it, when we leave for Kari's graduation. I threw my hands up yesterday and said I give up, then... nothing. Well, what COULD happen? You keep going on, but this is getting tiring, all of the intensity, the detoxing, the transforming, the purifying. I'd like a little break, okay?
Steve asked if I'd taken an aspirin, after I woke him up with my moaning, holding my head and rocking back and forth. "Hah," I answered, probably not very sweetly. It was 3AM. But I thought about it, I really did, for about 2 seconds, then I went downstairs, brewed some more peppermint tea, and swallowed more Bioplasma. Sigh. So it's home for me for the next few days - e-mail if you get lonely, I'll be here.
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