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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Steve would probably be embarrassed if he knew I was blogging this, but somehow I think it's important, even if I can't figure out exactly HOW. Maybe by writing it will come to me. I've had a thing for John McGinley for over 2 years now. If you don't know, John plays Dr. Cox in "Scrubs." Funny, but he's exactly the polar opposite of everything I believe in. He hates New Age and meditation, health food and emotions. On and on. That's not the point. There's just something about the way he grits his teeth, grimaces, and interlocks his hands over his head that just sends me. Seriously.

Steve's used to me having things for actors. Take John Corbett. I was SERIOUSLY hung up on him for several years (still am, sort of - have you SEEN him in "My Big Fat Greek Wedding?" Sigh). So it was with GREAT excitement that John McGinley came to me last night in my dreams. Yippee yahoo. Our faces drew closer and closer, then I said, "Is this infidelity?"

WHAT???? In a DREAM? You've GOT to be kidding me! Me, have morals even in my dreams? I wouldn't do anything with dreamy dreamy Dr. Cox, er, John McGinley, and the dream was over. Sigh. My point is this: why in the world would I stay faithful even in my dreams? I'm thinking it's because I feel pretty much the same way in my dreams as I do in waking. I wouldn't be unfaithful in "real" life, nor, apparently, in "fake" dreaming life. That is to say, my consciousness is full and awake and aware, even in my dreams. I know what's going on. I told Steve he should be happy that I'm faithful even in my dreams - that just shows how loyal I am - to give up on some fun with Dr. Cox, er, John McGinley? So, what does that say about anything? I don't know, really - maybe something about the integrating of left and right brain energies so that it's all more cohesive and blended, giving us more complete access to all experiences? As above, so below?

I noticed an evolving of my work, even just in the past two weeks, like there's no more difference in my source of information and myself, as if the two are now seamlessly overlaid. When I work, it's just ME. Why would that be cool? Because if that's true for all of us, we no longer have to "work" to be intuitive - it's just a natural part of who we are, probably as it was in the very beginning, before we got all bogged down with the "real" world. I feel more energized, peaceful, centered and calm - everything's not just all right, it's perfect. I can always tell when that feeling comes over me, because I almost want to cry when I look at a tree - it's so beautiful. That's how I feel about everything. Then I know I'm in that unity place, and again, I'm there now, and I'm so eternally grateful. It's not as if I WASN'T there those times before, but I was sidetracked by the other stuff working through. But now I'm consciously here again, and let me tell you it's paradise. Nothing makes me happier than making vegetable stew and risotto style barley for my fam, or reading Molly Moon to Bill, or swinging on the swings at the park, or helping a client or writing. Everything makes me happy, nothing's bringing me down.

On another note, check out Karen Bishop's newest energy alert at www.whatsuponplanetearth.com. I thought it was interesting that she spoke of releasing our patterns of empathy, because that is lower energy that brings us down. How? By us focusing on other people's lives, we take on their energy, and it's messing us up. I think I blogged about that a week or so ago, so it's always cool for me to read that other people are getting the same information. See, it's ALL new, unfolding one step at a time, so all anyone can do is read it one step at a time. But that's enough.

John McGinley and dreams? Try again, John - maybe we can have coffee and just talk about things. Maybe it's good to be friends, first. In the meantime, Stevie, you're darn lucky I'm such a good girl - John is just SO dreamy... (but nothing even CLOSE to how dreamy YOU are, sweetie). "Good answer," my sweet husband would say. "Good answer."

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