Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

why we're all tired (and feeling yucky)

I love my work. I'll say it again - I LOVE MY WORK. I had the honor of seeing THREE clients today, and learned more each time. Perhaps most fascinating to me was the information that came (out of the blue, believe me) about why everyone's so tired lately, and feeling kind of icky, yucky, nauseous, and out of sorts. The answer's found in the myelin sheath. Now, I've heard that term before, but had no idea of what it really was. I knew it was something in our bodies, and it wrapped around SOMETHING, and protected it, but couldn't remember what. So I just kept talking. We've all been storing a lot of toxins, poisons, and dense energy in our myelin sheaths, and around January 1 (that big jump that has really been kicking my butt, personally) we got everything stored in our myelin sheaths "dumped" out of that area into our systems, causing a demand for a major detox. All of that junk and gunk now floating around in our systems needs to be released out of our bodies, and the work that's demanded for releasing it is making a lot of us really tired, and the toxins are making us feel on and off really crappy.

So then I look at what that means to us, and I'm seeing that by storing that gunk and dense and old energy in our myelin sheaths (which, by the way are the membranes that wrap around the ends of the neurons and protect them - lack of them creates multiple sclerosis - I looked it up), it is like a house whose windows are covered in dried mud. You can't see out, the sun can't get in - everything is blocked. So, now our "windows" are clear and our electrical systems can now connect more fully and completely, without any junk gunking up the works. Makes sense to me. In the meantime, we work with releasing all of that junk. How? I just ask my body what it needs, then I do it. I haven't had much of an appetite these past three days, so I've been eating light, a lot of vegetables and a LOT of water. My stomach's still bloated, and I feel fat, but I just keep on keeping on, staying focused on taking care of my body, and releasing any other thoughts about what I SHOULD be weighing, or how it should all look. That old way of looking at the world just doesn't cut it anymore for me - I've entered into some new, foreign territory that's new each day. I learn things I didn't know about before. Things make sense in new ways to me. They may not make sense to anyone else, but that's okay, because we're each on our journeys alone, discovering this foreign territory that is ourselves. Sure, we have loved ones, friends, and family, but in the end, it's a solo journey. I'll help if I can, pass on information I'm receiving, but in the end, man, it's just one big mystery unfolding every moment.

If we can trust (I put on my "trust" bracelet today, then only noticed I had it on when I was listening to Billy Joel singing "It's just a matter of trust" on the radio - ah, I get it - the message is for me to trust), and that's really difficult sometimes because it's just so d*****d hard sometimes, when you're in the thick of the battle, tired, wondering if you even want to take another step. But if you just stop for a moment, that's all, just a moment, take a deep breath, then you can feel it again - that feeling of peace that overcomes you, and you know, you just know, that everything is all right, everything is going to be all right, and it's all happening exactly the way it's supposed to be happening (even if it's not exactly HOW you thought it should happen, or as fast as it should happen). And in the end, continuing is the only thing you CAN do. That, and trusting.

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