Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

it's a beautiful day

I'm so glad whatever it was has blown over. I felt it lift the same time as the clouds lifted yesterday afternoon. I started humming, singing, and dancing (yes, dancing), decluttering, running (yes, running) around until Steve finally suggested that I "calm down a little." Maybe he was just jealous? Probably not. The enthusiasm and energy remains today (thank goodness) as I get all of my work done. It feels so good to finally have the clear head TO plow through my long list of "must-dos." The sun is still shining, it's warm outside (probably 60, which for us here in Fargo is pretty darn warm come the end of April). I'm excited to do the meditation up at Total Balance this coming Sunday. I've discovered a brand new meditation that works to establish and build the communications between Body, Mind, and Spirit in a beautiful, clear way, so I'm excited to share that with everyone. I'll be recording it onto a CD so I can make copies for people who can't make it. Plus, I'll do a short message at the end, because, well, that's ALWAYS a good thing.

Why do I feel so good inside? I don't know - nothing on the outside to link it to, no worries, though, about anything. I tried to remember my grievances over the past few days, and they all just fade like last week's blizzard snow in the hot sun. What's left then? Just me, sitting here with a little smile on my face, ready to go for a long walk outside, to feel the sun on my face and just be so darned grateful that I'm in a really great place. Am I worried about anything? Not one darned thing, and that's a blessed relief, let me tell you, in these days of feeling overwhelmed and confused. Everything just changes so fast that it's nice to feel like I've landed, at least for a while. I won't take this time for granted, or assume naively that it's going to stay like this, but for right now? Right now I'm fully appreciating and acknowledging it. How are YOU feeling? Like something's lifted? After January 1st, something had BETTER be lifting, right? And that's the nice thing - everything changes, even if it's "good" or "bad" - we don't have to wait too awfully long for the next step. Maybe that's why it's such a good idea to have named all of my work "The Next Step." That seems to be what I'm involved with, and it's such a blessing to be able to help in whatever way possible. After all, we're all in this together. I'm off for my walkies - the sidewalk beckons - can you hear it? It's probably the only time you'll hear something say, "Walk all over me, would you?" So I will.

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