Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, April 14, 2008

e=mc2 (what's YOUR equation?)

It came while I was doing my tune-in trade for Missy Pooh this morning. I cherish those weekly tune-ins, as they always invigorate me, give me fresh insight and new information that's so valuable right now in these murky times. Most interesting to me at this juncture is the idea that we're currently grappling with our own unique "soul equations" right now, and that's why most of us are feeling exhausted, frustrated, and restless as we try to "get" it. Remember in junior high and high school when you were learning new theories in math? At first you'd see the teacher write down this LONG equation, full of x's and y's and maybe even some other letters that weren't numbers, and you'd be thinking, "now how in the world am I going to figure all of THAT out?" Yet, it was kind of like magic, because by simply changing some of those numbers around, you would get a whole new outcome, just using that one standard equation. Magic! So the thought is that we each have our own unique equation, full of variables. The length of our equation, the difficulty, is determined by our spiritual strengths, and our desire to be able to DO more. To DO more, we need more complicated equations.

So, it appears that the FIRST thing we need to do is figure out WHAT our equation looks like (not even to mention figuring out how to solve it). If we don't know ourselves, we can't know our potentials or our gifts or our possibilities. So I remember a dream I had several years ago. I was in a classroom and the teacher was writing this LONG equation on the board. Before I could stay in class to get the definition, I was called out to help other people. By the time I got back, the class was over. I panicked, and told the teacher I'd missed the explanation because I was out helping others. He handed me a book and said, "No worries - all the answers are in this book." So in the dream, even though I'd apparently missed the explanation part because I was so busy taking care of others (a life issue of mine), I knew that when I needed the information I'd be able to access it, even if I didn't understand it all now. And I think that's exactly what happened to me, and what is unfolding for us right now. So, we need to first figure out WHAT our equation is, then totally focus on it.

I hear others tell me, "What's the big deal? This is easy - you're making it too difficult," so now I think that may be because their equation is 2+2=4, or something like that, so it IS easy for them - that's the equation they picked. But everyone's equations are different, so it doesn't do any good to compare or judge. I can't say, "Well, I'm superior because my equation is WAY long," or "you're not trying hard enough because you have a short equation." We all, on some level, at some time, for some reason, picked our unique equations, and I believe those equations are nothing less than the blueprint of our Souls, the map that will lead us back to ourselves. We're all unique, right? There's no one else like in this whole Universe, before, now, or tomorrow, right? So that's our unique equation. Our variables are our gifts, our Helpers, our desires, our past lives - you and I might both have an X in our equations, but mine is coupled with a Y right there in the beginning, and yours is toward the end. You get it? Similar parts, but put together differently, shaped by different events and situations.

It's not a question of who gets done first, or who is fastest - it's who figures it out. And in the end, that's the only thing that really matters. So I can't help you figure your equation out - I can only act as an inspiration and live my equation, thus inspiring you to figure yours out. You can't wish for someone else's equation - doesn't work that way, but you can pull all your energies into your own precious life and concentrate on figuring your own out, and I guarantee you that your equation is perfectly you - it's exactly what you've been looking for your entire life, heck, for ALL of your lifetimes, since this all began. You won't be disappointed. Now it's just a question of believing that's true, asking for Help, and being willing to be tutored in your own specially-designed math class. Don't worry - you'll get it. There's no such thing as failure - it's just a matter of time. And desire. How badly do you want it?

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