Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Okay, it's official - I now have laryngitis. This full head worked its way downward into my lungs to make them hot and make it difficult to breathe. My chills are now a slight fever, and my voice went WAY past throaty and sexy to just pathetic. Maggie says "stop talking" but as Steve says, making the sign of a fish swimming with his hand, "if a shark doesn't swim, it will die." Translated, that means, "if Susie doesn't talk, she'll die." Interesting concept, and one that I'm thinking about as I sit here with my head popping off the top of my body. It's not THAT bad, really - I ate some quinoa, sweet potatoes, and a mound of stir fry, with my usual two gallons of fluids, took the day off to watch the first part of "Mr. and Mrs. Smith" and catch up on the Hilton sisters (hey, they're people too - I think). I even managed to clear the legos off the dining room table and uhm, that's about it. There are even dirty dishes in the sink, and I never do that, but somehow even sitting here typing is making my arms tired, so the monumental thought of doing dishes? It can wait.

I got e-mails from several friends, talking about this, whatever it is that I'm going through. Most interesting to me was sweet Karen's reply - she said she had the same thing, and she got that it was a major detox, and the head stuff was about releasing too many thoughts, and the old thought patterns. I told her that that was exactly what I got for myself - man, is she plugged in! Mom was concerned, and said I should go "see somebody so they can give me something." I sweetly answered back that I wouldn't take anything "they" would give me, anyway, so what was the use? She got a little upset, and reminded me that I was a grownup - hello? I'm thinking 47 is getting pretty close to grownup, anyway, but once a mother, always a mother, and I truly love her for that. Worrying, that is.

Mags says my body's back online after being under the stress of the campaigning, of Kari graduating, of Mom being back in the hospital, and about all the rest of our personal upcoming changes. Once we're online, our bodies use the illness (or whatever you call it) to get the "bandits out of the house." Well, there must have been a whole HERD of bandits in the Susie house, because, man, I should've invested in Kleenex stock, seriously - three boxes full? I looked in the mirror today, and almost fainted (for real). My hair looked like the bride of Frankenstein, as I'd taken a shower to warm up last night, had gotten my hair wet, then just lay down on it - all swirly. My eyes had brown bags, and had sort of a haunted look. So much for loving ourselves just as we are - I'm definitely going to have to work on that unconditional love thing in the future.

So tomorrow I'll rest again - maybe make another phone call or two. Don't call me, though - I can't talk. I can whisper, though. And for the time being, that's enough - that, AND the fresh box of organic veggies that just got delivered from Diamond Organics - man, are we going to eat like royalty tomorrow night. I hope Steve can cook it all the way I like it!


karen said...

Hi Susie,
You just made me laugh out loud when you said your hair looked like the "bride of Frankenstein."


Susie said...

Hi Karen - seriously, you should have seen it! I'm not even teasing...