Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Monday, October 20, 2008

It's all True!!

I've been dreaming about Mom for the past 4 nights. The first dream was sad, the second dream was sadder, the third dream was almost too much (the one where I lucidly dreamed, knowing it was a dream because Mom was alive, and she said she wasn't dead). Last night was my breakthrough. We were sitting at our same dining room table at 912, and I said, again, "I know this is a dream, because in real life you're dead," and she didn't dispute it, but something 'popped' and we were together in this new, real place. I looked into her eyes and saw an incredible look of love (I'd had that same feeling when looking into HER mother's eyes in a dream over 20 years ago). There's a name for that experience of transferring God's love via your eyes, but I can't remember it. I'll look it up. At that point I felt such love and connection, and everything felt calm and okay again. I got tears in my eyes because I was so happy. I hugged her, held her, and it was just like she was alive here again. I felt so grateful and happy.

I asked her what it was like where she was (don't I always ask questions? Make the most of these experiences?) She said it was light, and open, and you know everything, then joked that I would really like it there. I laughed. Then she told me I was on the right path - that what I know, and have experienced, and tell others, is all true, and that I need to know that. Not for some vain, 'oh, I'm right' kind of way, but to encourage and support me. That's what it felt like, anyway. I woke up totally suffused with gratitude, understanding and love, and promptly fell to my knees and prayed, then sent love and healing to everyone I know and love, one by one. Did I sleep again? I'm not sure, it doesn't really matter, I'm just SO grateful that I was able to break through to this new place with Mom. I'd always been able to hear her, but now to have that deeper connection, well, words fail me. I know it's important, and was all meant to be, but this process was mysterious, painful, and sad in the beginning, and I've said it before, but it's kind of like childbirth - painful, mysterious, scary while you're going through it, then BAM - you break through, and there's the end, this beautiful new being. So our new 'being' is 'being' able to be together in this new and powerful way. I'm feeling a book coming on, because I think this is the start of something really big, new, and important, so I've started a new journal to record everything that's been going on, to track it. I don't know if we'll talk through dreams, or in some other way, but I'm ready for it, oh yes, I'm ready. And just knowing that it's all true? Definitely puts a smile on my face.

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