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Monday, October 6, 2008

what a day!

Billy Boy led the group, dancing and chanting!

at the bridge

at the end

What a morning, what a day! The sun rose warm and gentle. Bill and I had gotten up at 7, Steve went hunting. We found the park and introduced ourselves around. I got acquainted and reacquainted with everyone - over 50 of us walked. The chant was "They walked to live - we walk to give," varying in tempo, pitch, melody. I even heard Bill's voice from the front of the pack, totally encouraged and supported in his efforts - he was the only child. Cindy from O'Day Cache came out, and I gave her a hug. We waved at cars and got lots of honks and waves back. One of the Sudanese men said, "Watch out for snakes," and some laughed, but I got tears in my eyes. That's probably what they DID say, walking those 1000 miles, along with watching out for lots of other dangers, as well. We have no idea, we really don't - all we can do is love and support them, not knowing their horrors personally. They raised a good deal of money, and introduced a lot of people to the WALKsudan cause, which is all good - the spreading of the word, so to speak, the original meaning of the word 'evangel.' Good news.

I walked with Gina, then walked with Peggy, Bill choosing to walk with his cousins Jeremiah and Rachel toward the front. It's all good, except the protective mother in me kept looking ahead to make sure he was still there - where ELSE would he be? Old habits die hard. A beautiful day, powerful speeches from everyone, much love and caring. I'm so glad I was a part of it all, and I'm glad Bill was there to share in the love, as well - it's a global village, to be sure.

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