Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I just got this e-mail from a woman, and she said I could share it on my blog, so here it is. The sole purpose of my writing, and probably of my whole life, is to help people as much as I am able. It really warms my heart to read this...

In 1992 I was in the first grade and lived with my mom and her abusive boyfriend. One night while my mom was being badly abused I sat down and "wrote a book." I remember now that I did this often as a child, to escape from the trauma in our house. But, for some reason, this time I showed my newest creation to my first grade teacher. She asked me if she could enter my book into a competition for young writers. I remember that we met you at the Buffalo Mall in Jamestown ND and my book was judged 2nd place for my category. I won an audio cassette, a feather and your signature! I listened to that tape everynight going to bed until I was 12 and my mom got re-married and had my sister. Then, I began to play it for her at night and sing it to her often. Because of our age difference she lives with my parents in Minneapolis and I live with my husband and son in Seattle. I still occasionaly sing the song to her over the phone (she is 9 now) and she sings it to my 9 month old son, as do I. I recently gave this tape to my sister and can't wait to get another copy of the tape (CD) and the book for myself and my son to use. I didn't really realize until recently how many times this book/song got me through tough times as a child. I THANK YOU... if this was what you intended to do as a writer than I consider you the single-most successful author I have ever read. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

Feel welcome to share my story on your blog if you wish, i only ask that it be anonymous.

Thanks again for everything!

Thank you for that sweet e-mail, dear anonymous friend. I am so glad the tape helped you through some awful patches. It's amazing to me how much we send out to the Universe, and never hear back. It's okay not to hear back, but it really IS sweet when we DO hear back. Thank you thank you thank YOU...

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