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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

the truth shall set you free (but who's truth?)

John, the sweet parking lot attendant, asked me what I thought about the elections. I said that the main thing I've noticed is all of the lies floating back and forth about the candidates. Did Sarah Palin ban books? (no - at one point she approached the librarian and asked about the procedure for getting books removed from the shelves) Did she issue a law to make rape victims pay for their rape kits? (no - someone else tried to do that). Is Obama a a terrorist? (Republicans chanting in Minneapolis, and McCain telling them to be quiet -no, Obama is not a terrorist) Is John McCain an abusive man? (the alleged Mary Kay Gamel letter of a visit to the Turtle Islands - not true). I'm tired of it - lies and inferences, accusations and outrages - all false, so far as I've been able to investigate, and I investigate each accusation. So two sides are just fighting against each other, and not a lot of people are standing up straight and saying, "This is what I love about my candidate and why I'm voting for him (or her)." I lose respect for the people that trash others, so even if McCain IS good, I'm mad at those Republicans who are mean to Obama, and vice versa.

When people send me inflammatory e-mails, I check the facts, then e-mail the link back to the person, encouraging them to check their facts before they pass on the poison. Then I stop and feel the heat about this, and put it back on myself. Is there a lesson in there somewhere for me? Am I doing shadow work? Shadow work is abounding right now - it's all bouncing back and forth so fast it's hard to know what's mine and what's yours. That's the energetic status quo right now, and it's almost a full-time job. So then the question becomes - what are those people like, who spread the hurtful information, and have I ever done that? (yes). I think - those people are immature, unkind, stupid, not spiritual, narrow-minded... ouch - that's me, and my issues I'm working on right now. I see those limitations in order to heal them and grow from that point. It's impossible to grow past our current limitations until we see them and release them. Otherwise we stay rigid in those areas, so apparently I'm still immature, unkind, stupid, not spiritual and narrow-minded. Okay, enough already! I'll get going right away on that, and my truth? Yes, that shall set me free, indeed...

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