Dress Gray Coming Soon!!!

Be sure to watch here for the much-anticipated book of William Ekberg's memoirs, due out the end of May. A stunningly beautiful 440 hardcover that spans 87 years, including the Depression, WWII, life at West Point, the early broadcasting years in North Dakota, and so much more. Watch for the announcement to pre-order your special signed copy...

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Yeah, I am, but from what I gather, so is everyone else. So today, I'd like to send out a little message to us all - hopefully this will help.

Dear ones - how grateful we are to all of you who so bravely stay and fight the good fight. What fight? you may ask. And we tell you, the fight within, the fight that is the only fight, after all. The struggles within yourself. How fare you? Are you still railing against the Universe, hoping to be released from this current intensity, wishing to be done and moving forward? For you so feel the forward movement pushing you from behind, don't you? Yet where are these momentous changes? Where is the new? Where is the movement? What blocks you from your past, what limiting beliefs do you still hold? Where are you rigid and narrow-minded? What thought patterns do you hold onto, even though they no longer serve? Look WITHIN at this time, for that is the only place that your answers lie - not in anything or anybody outside of yourself. They don't know YOU - only YOU know YOU, and that is your current task set before you - launch into the magnificent discovery of Self. What does that mean to you? Do you have to take some time off? Sure - from your current schedule of worry and planning and frustration. Watch a light movie, take a walk, laugh with a friend, drink some tea. Do something that makes you happy. And be sure to laugh - there is not much laughter on the planet at this time. Connect with those who bring you joy, connect with those whom you love and feel a deep affinity for. Do not leave their sides. Tell them you love them, then show it. Be effusive, generous, loving, giving. When you do that for others, you do that for yourself, as well. But above all, be gentle with yourself. Do not push or expect too much or be disappointed or have preconceived notions for yourself or your life. Just BE. There is little movement anywhere in the world as it experiences its big shake up. Don't you feel it all around you? The swirling and twirling? You need not be a part of that madness, for that is what it is. Stay in your Center, be at peace, breathe. When will this pass? When it passes, as with everything else. It is all new, it is all new ground, and no one knows where the next step will be placed, but trust that you will know where to step when it is time to step. Never doubt that. In the meantime, relax - don't worry - has it not always turned out for the best, in the end? The end of each step, we mean, so know that you are approaching your next step, and it will be a big one, so strap on your tennies, do your warmups, and then continue doing what you have been asked to do for the past 6 months - wait. Try to be patient, for impatience will only tire you out. Rest often, laugh much. And know, always know, that you are NEVER alone - all is unfolding in perfect and divine order. Yes, you have heard that before, but repetition makes it more concrete, does it not? All if unfolding in perfect and divine order. It is - how could it be any other way? It could not. Breathe, trust, and be well.

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